Call Elements 03 9740 5600
A common concern for both male and female clients is how to prevent premature ageing, how to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, lack of elasticity and over tired, dull looking skin. We can treat all these concerns and absolutely love seeing a skin bounce back from a sluggish phase to reveal youthful, plump and radiant skin.
4 – 8 Treatments
*Ongoing every 4-6 weeks depending on client age & concerns.
$90-$300 per treatment
Ageing is a natural part of life, our collagen production starts to slow from approximately 25 years old and several factors influence the rate at which we begin to show lines, wrinkles and lack of elasticity.
Factors such as environmental damage, UV exposure and incorrect skin care use have the biggest effect on ageing skin. These external factors affect the health of our cells and create uneven skin tone, pigmentation as well as resulting in premature ageing for youthful skins. However, internal factors such as lifestyle, diet and stress habits can also influence the way we age.
At Elements we like to teach our clients about how the structure of the skin works, how we produce collagen and why we recommend certain treatments and home care to counteract ageing. Looking after your skin at an early age will have outstanding results for you in later stages, but we can also dramatically reverse the clock for our clients who are unhappy with the condition of their skin.
*Clients have had a combination of advanced skin services and home care
The benefits of such an extensive tool box for our therapists means we can tailor custom treatment plans for each client, combined with our wealth of knowledge and skills we are determined to achieve the best possible results for our clients.
All skin revision treatments require commitment to professional treatments and your home care prescriptives, we ask are clients to trust in our skills, our recommendations and the plan we create for them in order to achieve a successful skin journey with us.